Saturday, August 22, 2009

Splash o' Water

a sudden idea which came through my mind for takin this sort of photoshoot.. was about to turn the water off in my bath-tube, saw the water flew out from the pipe, drove me to take this as the theme of the day for our 365 project.. =p


  1. wil g lebih suka foto 1 ampe 3, napa ga panke yg ituh malah yg trakir?hehe

  2. g jg suka yg k3 seh,, tp lbi demen yg trakir, soalnya moment aer ny ky gt ga bs sering2 dapet,,, apalge yg diujung bocor gtuh,,panjang banget aer nya, g coba dapetin lage yg ky gtuh, ga bs dapetin lage moment yg lbi bagus dr ituh, jd g pke itu aja, lagen ada keran nya kliatan,, hahaha.
