Thursday, September 17, 2009

Look Back on Yer Past

Hey folks, its been awhile since my last post.. Ive got nothin to post lately, and accidentally bumped with this concept which was yesterday's photoshoot for the 365project.

Well,, if u happen to take a look on this image carefully.. I'm kind of lookin to the frame I'm holding at and the picture sticked in the frame is sort of repetitions of it.. In life, generally, we have had thousands of experience whether its awesome or the most gruesome ever which caused a misery of yourself infront of public and often we prefer to neglect the discontent story for we think it wont give us any benefit and simply let the hurts and shames remain.. As a human being, we are meant to live in happiness and joyful life, however, no one in this world could stay away from sorrow and misery since life is rotating like a wheel.. The joyousness may come over you for several period of times and right after that contrition will come over you to fulfill what we call LIFE. That happens unexpectedly and uncontrollable, no one is capable of settling when the joy should come and when the desolation shouldn't.
What becomes an issue is what to do when sorrow make a visit and they left a deep scar of pain and regret? In common, people would try to forget it, spill swear words out as a sign of unpleasant, or even cry to release the burden away and make a thought as it is a bad luck which should not happen just if they took a better way instead. However, such solutions are not really wise actually where we should shift our mind into the positive side where every lamentations that we have may contain a lesson behind which could teach us to be better. It may not be that easy to accept and apply it in such a way, yet, we need to start to make a move. It seems contentless for stayin in anger, regret, spitting swear words as a sign of our disablity to accept the fact that we have been disappointed which just simply shows an immaturity. Why do we have to jerk the past off? They have nothing to do with you as its your own choice, you are the one who took the decision in that particular moment for you thought it would give u such a hopeful life, then during the journey, you enjoyed the flashing moments you shared with, though in the end you it ended up with much disaffections. Take it positively as your learning process, drop all your regrets and melancholy down and chase your brighter life forward. Be grateful for what you have had and take it as tutorial to not iterate the same wrong path.

No creations were flawlessly born,
Kick your contrition away for what have happened.
We, naturally, must have faced a very heavy burdens,
and consecutively felt that life is so meaningless.
Be grateful for everything that have been given,
Life is just an amazing grace.
Keep facing your life bravely,
producing loads of gracious radiance to others
God shall show His graciousness and His mighty power
for every human who live in unselfishness and have good virtues.
( d'massiv, 2009)

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